Latest news from Halfpricehobby April 10 2014


The complete initial selection of products transferred over from the old website has been completed.  All of the products now have detailed descriptions specific to the product (if available) and if they fall in either the 40 or 50% off category, the original MSRP price is also listed for your convenience.    

Remember all locomotives are 30% off and all other products listed on the website are 20% off MSRP.

In the near future, we will be adding to our selection of plastic model kits introducing Lego products and Playmobile toys to our toy catalog.  Please check them out.  Also in the future, we will expand upon our vehicle selection and N scale product line.  If there is something that you would like to check and see if we have available from these categories please don't hesitate to call our retail outlet at 978-537-2277.